Belkyra® is finally available in Italy. Known in the U.S.A. as Kybella®,Belkyra® is the first medical, non surgical treatment to reduce the double chin, with an extensive clinical validation. Has the american FDA and italian AIFA approval to treat the moderate to severe fat below the chin (submental fat), to improve the appearance and profile.

Belkyra®is a treatment that uses deoxycholic acid, a natural molecule already present in our body where it helps to destroy fat. Belkyra®’s deoxycholic acid is fully synthetic and has no human or animal origin. In the submental, double chin area Belkyra® breaks the fat cells so they cannot store fat again, reducing the fullness under the chin in a long term, stable way.

Depending on the fat amount stored in the double chin, and your aesthetics desires, one or more non surgical treatments with Belkyra® you may need.

Absolute Health international Medical SPA, is one of the few european reference centers for Belkyra®’s double chin treatment.

Belkyra® isn’t surgical but is stil a medical treatment, so it is not made for everybody; only your doctor at Absolute Health International Medical SPA can decide with you if Belkyra® is the right choice to get rid of your double chin. We have all the answers and all the alternatives to solve your double chin problem.

Having a Double Chin is a condition  affecting both men and woman of any age and weight, cause could also be genetics or hormones, not diet or exercise related.